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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Downgraded my laptop from Vista / 7 to XP where are drivers?

If you've downgraded your laptop from Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7 to XP you'll almost immediately notice how difficult it can be to find the drivers for the hardware devices for your laptop. When a laptop or any computer manufacturer releases their product with Vista or 7 they will not worry about supporting past operating systems such as Windows XP unless that same model is available for Windows XP. In order to get the drivers for these products your best bet is to see if the hardware manufacturer for the device has Windows XP drivers.
A listing of hardware manufacturers and links to their driver pages can be found on our driver's section. If the hardware manufacturer does also not have support for Windows XP unfortunately the only other option would be to find a replacement for the hardware device that has Windows XP support or go back to Windows Vista or Windows 7. For example, if you're trying to get your wireless network card working in the laptop with Windows XP and your laptop and hardware manufacturer does not have Windows XP support you can get a PC Card wireless card that has Windows XP support.

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